The Chaos

The Chaos

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Lessons with Sierra and Dean

This year it seemed like Easter snuck up on us. Actually I feel like every holiday comes out of nowhere. I am sure it is because there is so much to do in any given day and week that the special days always catch me off guard. I enjoy doing special things on holidays, even the silly ones. But Easter and Christmas in particular are important in the Gaffner household because of our faith.

Good Friday all of my kids were home, school was out for the weekend. It was a rainy,dreary day... which was oddly fitting given what the day represents. My kids knew it was Easter weekend and were looking forward to all of the fun and candy. But my middle two were interested in talking about the deeper significance of the day.

The five kids (Cayd included) were sitting in the kitchen eating lunch when we began to discuss what Good Friday was all about. Sierra Lynn confidently stated, "Today is the day we remember when Jesus died on the cross". Dean looked at her like she was crazy and said, "Jesus did what?".

Instead of answering his question, I quietly watched.
Sierra stopped what she was doing and looked him straight in the face and said,
"Dean baby, Jesus died for our sins".
Dean's eyes got big and he said "Oh.... well I just love my Jesus".

It made me giggle.
Sierra has always been spiritually "in tune" and Dean has a gift of stating things quite matter-of-factly. But it also brought tears to my eyes. I know my kids are young and the possibility of them completely understanding theological truths is not entirely possible. But they get the simplicity of loving Christ. And it is just that simple. To know and realize that He suffered and died so we wouldn't have to, well it moves us to love, even if you are only four years old.

I am blessed to have four (soon to be five) little Gaffners that give me such simple reminders of the love of Christ in the midst of ordinary moments in ordinary days.

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