The Chaos

The Chaos

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My "Kid Day" Success

Tuesday afternoon I took a much needed break, courtesy of my amazing husband.
When we first found out I was pregnant again I told him I would need a break away from the chaos of the average day in our household. He was completely understanding and allowed me a 24 hour break from it all while he took on the task of being Mr. Mom, aka the 24 hour stay-at-home dad.

I traveled five whole minutes down the road to stay in the only hotel in town that offers jacuzzi tubs in the room and I enjoyed an afternoon and evening all to myself.

And I did enjoy it, though not right away. The first few hours were weird. I am used to having something to do. Even as I relax on the couch this afternoon and type away on this blog, I am busy thinking about the marker stain on the floor that needs to be cleaned, the laundry that needs to be folded, and the clothes I should put away. I know that eventually I will have to remove myself from the confines of the comfy couch and go complete those mommy chores. But to have absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to be, it almost felt constricting instead of liberating.

I went to a movie by myself and tried to "plan" my afternoon but in the end I discovered the joy of not being structured at all. I took a late afternoon nap, ate dinner while watching TV, sat in a luxurious jacuzzi tub, and then read an entire book in one night.

In the end I discovered that though it may be difficult for me to let go and truly relax, that it is possible for me to do so... and that when I do finally relax, it is quite comfortable and emotionally rewarding.

Moms that are reading this. Take care of yourself and your family by taking small breaks. You may not be able to take an entire night away but do something, anything that is just for you and that allows you the chance to breath deeply and relax in ways that make you beautifully sigh.

Dads that are reading this, understand that your wife and the mother of your children needs the opportunity to experience complete and total relaxation. It is good for her and chances are... she'll be good to you if you let her take that time to herself. :)

I came home yesterday from my break and I felt refreshed. Of course I walked into my everyday life of tantrums, snotty noses, and messy floors. But that's my life and if I can take breaks from time to time, I know that I can survive the daily chaos.

ps... I love my husband. He is good to me and his unconditional love for me is evident by his actions. I love you Michael Louis. :)

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