The Chaos

The Chaos

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Caution: Adventures may cause drowsiness

Adventures are exhausting.

That is a truth you can take to the bank.

In Day two of our Great House Hunting Adventure we actually started to hunt for houses.
I don't know if you have had the joy of hunting houses in your lifetime, but let me assure you... the elusive "perfect" house hides and darts and is truly difficult to find and secure. I have never been deer hunting but I imagine these pesky perfect houses are about as difficult to hunt as a speedy buck.

My boys and I (Michael included) toured six different properties yesterday in Frederick and Carroll Counties within Maryland. We saw townhomes and single family homes. We saw homes with plenty of space and homes with none. We saw homes that were nice and finished and homes that lacked in the cosmetic department. We toured homes in the busy city and the rural country.

And from the first townhome we saw...

To our last "favorite" place....

We learned a few things about house hunting in Maryland.

Lesson Number 1- Always have snacks on hand for hungry accompanying little boys.
Lesson Number 2- Townhomes are crowded no matter the boasted "square footage".
Lesson Number 3- Nothing beats a gorgeous front porch view.
Lesson Number 4- Always take time to have some fun. (see next blog for details)

We are currently praying that the last home we viewed and our "favorite" will work out for us.

This day of adventurous exploration lead us to a plethora of housing options and some interesting battle grounds (stay tuned for more). Of course no day is ever slow or boring with our crew but yesterday was exceptionally active and interesting.

And like all good days, ended with a comfy place to sleep.

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