The Chaos

The Chaos

Monday, July 11, 2011

Dear God... it's me Katie

One of the things that I looked forward to the most about this move and ministry sabbatical was the increased time to spend exploring my relationship with God and diving deeper into His Word. Unfortunately, life is the same in Maryland as it was in Virginia... full of distractions. Instead of seeking Him more... I am sort of walking around in a spiritual haze. I am sure due in part to the new surroundings, the lack of a church home, and days that are consumed with preschool/toddler woes... I have been spiritually lazy instead of motivated.

How do you move from exhausted apathy to spiritual desire? I am sure this is an age old question in all disciplines of life. And as always, I found my answer by listening to my kids.

Yesterday evening the kids were knee deep in bath water... literally.
Sierra was trying to be helpful and after the boys had completed their bathing tasks she was instructing Dean on how to clean up his mess in the tub. Dean said, "Sierra I don't have to clean it, because God can clean it with His power". Sierra came promptly into the living room to ask me if God really DID have that kind of power. She was amazed to learn that God was capable of doing even the mundane task of picking up the bath toys and Dean was as equally distraught that God could do it, but would more than likely let Dean give it a try himself. In the end, mommy ended up picking up the bath toys but Dean and Sierra learned an important lesson... God is powerful. That may not have "seen" His power in that exact moment but they were affirmed that His power is real and could be actively a part of their lives.

The key to growing past an exhausted spiritual life, is belief... innocent belief.
In the midst of packing up our household and moving our family 300 miles away from what was "normal", my belief suffered from a short nap. But I desire desperately to be amazed again at what God is capable of doing in my life and the lives of my children and husband. To realize as if for the first time that God is powerful, that His love is never-ending, that His grace is amazing, and His mercies are new (to name just a very few things)... these are things that I need to experience with the same innocence and amazement as my Dean and Sierra experienced last night.

Have you been there before? Tired in your spiritual walk with the Lord? Unsure where to go next to find that motivation you need to keep moving forward?

A good place to start is just opening up and discovering His Word as if for the first time.

Photo by Devon Hope Photography.
 I hope you will journey with me as I seek His face with wonder and amazement. I may not regularly update what I am reading and learning but I hope that it will be evident the things that God is re-teaching me through the life that I journey via this blog.

Dear God... it's me Katie. I'm ready to be amazed. :)

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